
Dear Sir or Madam,

Join the first of three activities in the PHA Academy series — a dynamic webinar exploring PHA's production, applications, benefits, and limitations. Dive into real-world innovations, strategies for driving demand, and solutions to cost and regulatory challenges. Whether you're in marketing, sales, or product development, this webinar will provide valuable insights to position PHA as a game-changer in sustainable industries. Stay tuned for upcoming in-person sessions!

This webinar is part of the EMPHATI project (Ecofriendly Materials from PHA Tuned for Injection Moulding), an Interreg collaboration focused on advancing eco-friendly materials for injection moulding. Through this project, we are working to strengthen the PHA knowledge base, applications, and market by building a cross-border business cluster that spans the entire PHA value chain.


Crash Course on PHA
- Material properties & technical explanation
- Benefits and drawbacks
Speaker: Rick Passenier | GO!PHA

Innovation & Market Application
- Paques Biomaterials technology & market application
- Overcoming cost and legislative challenges
- Creating demand & managing PHA pricing
Speaker: Richard Schrama | Paques Biomaterials

Regulatory Perspective
- Market impact of regulations
- Navigating and influencing legislative challenges
Speaker: Lara Dammer | Nova Institute

Further information, the program and a registration form can be found at

Kind regards,

3N Centre of Experts – Lower Saxony Network for Renewable Resources and Bioeconomy e.V.
Office Goettingen


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