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Eine Anmeldebestätigung finden Sie in Ihrem Email-Postfach.
Due to popular demand, the flagship online biogas training is now modular.
Especially since a large part of the world is in a “lockdown-mode” and it’s very hard to travel internationally right now, it’s more challenging to bring people together for a common goal.
Overview over all 14 event modules:
- Overview & predictions for the biogas industry
- Decision criteria and feasibility calculations
- Technical plant design & selecting the right equipment
- Substrate selection, pre-treatment and storage
- Pump technology & pre-treatment of biogas substrates
- Theory & practice of digester biology in AD
- Digestate treatment, upgrading & marketing
- Process control of biogas plants
- Building materials for biogas plants
- Safety measures & monitoring
- Biogas upgrading, utilisation & biomethane infrastructure
- Green gas, Bio-LNG and biomethane utilisation
- Measuring technology and maintenance for biogas upgrading units
- Q&A-Session
22. Februar - 15. März 2022
1.390,00 € (Ermäßigung möglich)
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.ibbk-biogas.de.