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4th International Conference on the Utilisation of Wetland Plants
How can peatland rewetting and innovative land-use concepts be combined for an effective contribution to climate change mitigation? What are innovative examples for creating and strengthening regional value chains? What strategies can overcome barriers and challenges to enable a just transition to sustainable peatland use?
The 4th RRR conference on Renewable Resources from Wet and Rewetted Peatlands in Greifswald offers a platform to explore these questions and many others, fostering dialogue between science and practice. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the event aims to encourage knowledge exchange, build networks, and develop and strengthen practical, forward-looking solutions.
The Greifswald Mire Centre warmly invites you to join the RRR2025 conference and to actively contribute to shaping a sustainable future for our peatlands.
Scope of the conference
The use of wetland biomass has a long history and has recently gained renewed attention as global efforts focus on renewable resources and climate protection. The term "paludiculture" was created and introduced in 1998,more than 25 years ago. Since then, significant progress has been made in areas such as rewetting, cultivation methods, biomass processing, marketing, policy development, and raising public awareness. This conference aims to unite stakeholders involved in paludiculture, welcoming scientists, landowners and land users, administrators, businesses, artists, designers, policymakers, conservationists and all other interested people.
Abstract submission
Share your research findings, lessons learnt and experiences: call for abstracts!
Submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation and/or workshop on the key topics.
Please submit your abstracts here: https://express.converia.de/frontend/index.php?sub=1783
The submission deadline is 14.03.25. The notification of acceptance will be sent out until 15.05.2025.
Submission guidelines:
- Abstracts must be submitted in English
- Figures, tables and illustrations may not be included in the abstract
- Abstract Title Length: max. 25 words
- Abstract Body Length: max. 300 words
- Keywords: up to 5 keywords may be named for your abstract
- If you would like to submit an abstract for a workshop, please also provide the following information: maximum number of participants; need for materials and room requirements; time requirements
Paludiculture Exhibition
We can build houses with it, grow vegetables on it, eat food from it, heat with it and much more. Paludiculture biomass can be used for a large variety of applications. The conference presents them at a creative product fair. There is limited space for contractors, manufacturers and any other stakeholders to present their paludiculture products and innovative solutions at an indoor exhibition. More information...
23. - 26. September 2025
Hörsaalgebäude Campus Loefflerstraße
Loefflerstraße 23
17489 Greifswald
240 € (Ermäßigung möglich)
Das Programm sowie die Anmeldung finden Sie unter www.rrr2025.com.